Fondation Napoléon

Yesterday, we met with Professor Peter Hicks, historian and international director of the Fondation Napoléon, here in Paris.  He generously gave me many suggestions for books and sources I might pursue, particularly about Napoleon’s youth.  The Fondation maintains an extremely useful website at and Professor Hicks publishes their electronic newsletter.  Both are available in English, and invaluable for Napoleonic research.  The Fondation is also taking the lead on the campaign to raise funds to restore Longwood House where Napoleon lived and died in exile on St Helena.  You can learn more about that at Save Longwood House.  Thank you, Professor Hicks, for your help on my project!


2 thoughts on “Fondation Napoléon”

  1. Dear Margaret,

    I visited St. Helena in 1959, probably long before you were born.
    I have written a three-part series on the subject, on my blog ( which you can read at :

    Waterloo, 18 juin 1815

    Les séjours à Sainte-Hélène du roi Dinuzulu, de l’empereur Napoléon et du bloggeur Jonathan.île-de-sainte-hélène-seconde-partie.html

    Napoléon apprend l’anglais à Sainte-Hélène; il y décède: mort naturelle ou assassinat?élène-partie-3.html

    I look forward to reading your book when it is published.

  2. Dear Jonathan,

    I enjoyed thumbing through your site, and especially reading the Napoleonic blogs. The King of the Zulus’s exile on St Helena was news to me. And no roads or cars in St Helena as late as 1960? Just imagine how the upcoming airport will change that charming island.

    What an interesting life you have led. I certainly wish I had your language skills. I plan to get back to improving my French and Spanish as soon as this book is completed, but sadly, it may be too late for me to achieve true fluency.

    Thank you for writing and please, keep in touch.

    All the best,

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